Quail Valley Lot Owners Association, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting
Monday, July 21, 2008
Minneola City Hall, Minneola, FL
Meeting was called to order by David Yeager, at time 7 p.m.

Proof of due notice was posted by Woody, at entrance and exit of Quail Valley location giving residents 48 hours notice of forthcoming meeting. Notice was also posted on the QVLOA web site.

Board members in attendance were as follows: David Yeager, Sally Osteen, Natalie Yancey and Kerry Postel; Shawn Jones was absent. Chelsea Rozell from EPM was also present.

Minutes of the June 19, 2008 monthly Board of Directors meeting were approved by the Board, a motion was made by Natalie and seconded by Sally and then unanimously agreed by the Board.

Treasurers Report was given by David Yeager.
  • Reported that the bank balance as at June 30, 2008 was in the operating account $6,019.04, and the balance of $92,056.24 in the money market account. Accounts receivable $50,705.05.
  • There are a number of homeowners that are still overdue and Chelsea brought this to our attention with information on the next step.
    • 7 homes are in promissory status and there has been no communication or payment received since that agreement was made. A motion was made by Natalie and a second by Kerry to move to the next stage and send them a certified letter.
    • 3 homes had received a certified letter with a threat of a lien, no communication. A motion was made by Natalie and a second by Kerry to move them to the attorney’s office to proceed with placing a lien on the home.
    • 33 homes had a received certified letter but still no communication or payment. A motion was made by Natalie and a second by Kerry to send a threat to place a lien on their home.
Committee Reports were given as follows:

ARB Report:
2 requests: Pool — approved; painting house — approved.

Violation summary:
Drive through scheduled for July 24. It is requested that the drive through be scheduled before the monthly HOA meetings so that any issues can be brought to the Board sooner rather than later.

Unfinished Business
  • Walgreen's update: The Quail Valley sign will be started this week. Walgreen's have requested that they keep the deed of the land and that they will plant, irrigate and maintain the land. They wanted to deed the sign to us but not the land. There was audience and Board discussion and the consensus was to still request the deed of the land. A motion was made by Kerry to request the land still be deeded to QVLOA as agreed, with Walgreen's still planting, irrigating and maintaining the land, and a condition that QVLOA will not build a wall/barrier which would block the view of Walgreen's, a second was made by Natalie.

  • Ground Preserve will be requested again to trim the palms at the entrance.

  • Covenant changes – Chelsea did some research as to what we would need to do in order to change the covenants. She informed us that we would need to get 75% of homeowners to sign a document entitled "Proposed Amendment of Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions for Renters". If there is more than one homeowner then both of them must sign, the document must also be notarized. A motion was made by Natalie to approve Chelsea to request the attorney to draft the above mentioned document to allow amendment of renters being allowed to move in Quail Valley, a second was made by Kerry.
Under New Business the following topics were discussed:
  • 2 new homeowners moved in to Quail Valley in the last month.

  • Natalie confirmed that what Shawn had said about the disking not needed was correct. So we are no longer pursuing these quotes.

  • Chelsea requested to update the violation letters to her name, contact information and title instead of Rak’s, this would make it easier for her to resolve issues as people can contact her direct.

  • Meeting for next HOA August 18, 2008 at 7 p.m.
Natalie made a motion to adjourn meeting. Sally 2nd the motion. All Board members voted in favor; meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kerry Postel, Secretary

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Posted September 29, 2008.

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